Eckart Ehlers (ed.), (ed.)

High Mountain Pastoralism in Northern Pakistan

Eckart Ehlers (ed.), (ed.)

High Mountain Pastoralism in Northern Pakistan


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Aus dem Inhalt:
Eckart Ehlers / Hermann Kreutzmann: High mountain ecology and economy: potential and constraints
Georg Stöber / Hiltrud Herbers: Animal husbandry in domestic economies: organization, legal aspects and present changes of mixed mountain agriculture in Yasin
Reinhard Fischer: Coming down from the mountain pastures: decline of high pasturing and changing patterns of pastoralism in Punial
Eckart Ehlers: Pastoralism in the Bagrot: Spatial organization and economic diversity
Hermann Kreutzmann: Livestock economy in Hunza: societal transformation and pastoral practices
Matthias Schmidt: Pastoral systems in Shigar/Baltistan: communal herding management and pasturage rights
Jürgen Clemens / Marcus Nüsser: Pastoral management strategies in transition: indicators from the Nanga Parbat region (NW-Himalaya)
Hilturd Herbers: Why are mountain farmers vegetarians? Nutritional and non-nutritional dimensions of animal husbandry in High Asia

"The studies in this well produced volume provide the reader with some very valuable information on the transformations that are taking place in this part of High Asia and Pakistan. Although each deals with micro-regional specificities, taken together, they enable the reader to grasp and compare the similarities and differences between these regions. […] High Mountain Pastoralism is a major contribution to the field of studies on high altitude societies, and is a must for all those interested not only in Asia, but also in the Andes and other comparable environments."

Internationales Asienforum

"The strength of the book lies in this differentiated analysis which is based on extensive empirical research. Several chapters challenge conventional modernization theories, and the authors’ intimate connection to their data makes for an unusually stimulating and pleasurable read. The reader gains a vivid picture of the variability, the diversity and the flexibility of how people adapt to social and political developments."


"gibt einen hervorragenden kulturgeographischen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Situation und speziell den Wandel in den pastoralen und agropastoralen Bevölkerungen der verschiedenen Talschaften im nördlichen Pakistan. Es sollte in keiner geographischen und ethnologischen Bibliothek fehlen."

Series Erdkundliches Wissen
Volume 132
ISBN 978-3-515-07662-3
Media type Book - Paperback
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2000
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 211 pages
Illustrations 36 b/w figs.
Size 17.0 x 24.0 cm
Language English