Media Geography at Mainz

The Media Geography at Mainz Book Series emphasizes the mutual interdependence of space, place, media, and society. Media geography is a multi-faceted field of research that goes far beyond questions of representation of space and place. Publications explore the roles and functions of media in the coproduction of geographical knowledge. Proposals are accepted for monographs and edited volumes that address specific media from a geographical perspective, but also broader questions of media geography on a conceptual or methodological level, as well as the role of media for various kinds of place-making. The series is receptive to a variety of geographic perspectives and sub-disciplines and welcomes contributions advancing contemporary discourses and debates in media geography research.

General information

ISSN 1867-318X (print)

ISSN 2699-4976 (online)

Founded: 2008

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: English

Publishing information

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