Schriftenreihe der Dr.-Walter-und-Margarete-Cajewitz-Stiftung

The Third Age is characterized by great vigor, and equally great beauty, even if accompanied by individual burden. A frame of autonomy, security, activity, and cooperation is necessary. Experience and wisdom are load bearing pillars of the third phase of life, because, above all, this phase develops the longest and recruits an ever larger portion of society. The Third Age should be illuminated with insight, potential, and perspective. The power and activity that shine out of this phase are documented by this series through biographic self-estimation and analyses of life based on experience. Lifelines are traced, future tasks are sketched, and the chances of a realization of the Third Age advanced.  The Third Age makes more tolerance possible, waits with new perspectives and experiences, and shows a unique feeling of life. The burdens from personal biographies are lightened through the feeling of community. A new and deep form of life develops. Not animation, but the promotion of individual initiative and the cooperative construction of a living culture are the primary impulses for this phase of life.

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ISSN 2366-8458 (print)

ISSN 2366-8466 (online)

Languages: German

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