Historische Forschungen

The Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz is a non-university research institution and scholarly society. As one of the eight academies of science in Germany, which are united in the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, its objectives are both the cultivation of the sciences and literature and the preservation and promotion of culture. Currently, the Academy supervises 37 research projects from all disciplines with a focus on long-term basic research. In addition, it is dedicated to promoting young researchers, digitizing research data and findings, and promoting international cooperation.

Published on commission by Franz Steiner Verlag.

General information

ISSN 0440-9558 (print)

ISSN 2699-4690 (online)

Founded: 1957

Size: 17 x 24 cm

Languages: German

Publishing information

Published on commission by Franz Steiner Verlag. Please contact the Akademie Mainz for any information concerning content, publication guidelines or copyright.

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Latest books

Das Papsttum und die lateinische Kirche Apuliens in normannischer Zeit (1059–1189)
Historische Forschungen, Volume 31
Der Historiker Martin Göhring (1903–1968) in seiner Zeit
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Zur Rolle der Vorhersagbarkeit von Zukünftigem in der hochmittelalterlichen Historiografie
Historische Forschungen, Volume 29
Der Demokratische Frauenbund Deutschlands im Spiegel seiner Kaderarbeit und der Kaderstrukturen seines hauptamtlichen Funktionärskorps
Historische Forschungen, Volume 28
Daniel Ben Damler
"Imperium Contrahens"
Eine Vertragsgeschichte des spanischen Weltreichs in der Renaissance
Historische Forschungen, Volume 27