Ian Blanchard

The International Economy in the "Age of the Discoveries", 1470–1570

Antwerp and the English Merchants’ World

Unter Mitarbeit von Philipp Robinson Rössner (asst.)

Ian Blanchard

The International Economy in the "Age of the Discoveries", 1470–1570

Antwerp and the English Merchants’ World

Unter Mitarbeit von Philipp Robinson Rössner (asst.)


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The monograph examines the fluctuations on the Anglo-Netherlands financial and goods markets within the changing parameters of a nascent European-based “world economy” (1470–1570). It focuses on the major financial centres of the time (Antwerp, London) and examines their interdependencies, as well as their role as agents financing international trade and commodity flows. In this volume an attempt will be made to examine the world of those English merchants who first accessed the international economy in order to distribute English produce (mainly wool, cloth and lead) and secure such goods as were required by the nation’s consumers, such as foreign spices and other exotic consumables. By drawing on financial and macro-economic data, such as prices and exchange rates, as well as micro-data, such as individual merchants’ accounts, a comprehensive and intimate sketch is drawn of the working mechanisms of an emerging modern, European-centred, world economy.

"… eine sehr lesenswerte Studie, die in eindrucksvoller Weise die Verflechtung der frühneuzeitlichen europäischen Finanz- und Handelswelt erfasst. […] geradezu spannend geschrieben und vermittelt ein faszinierendes Bild der damaligen Zeit. Die Studie hat nichts an Aktualität verloren und vermag eine wichtige Lücke in der Forschung zur frühneuzeitlichen Finanzwelt zu schließen."

Margit Schulte Beerbühl, Historische Zeitschrift 290, 2010
Volume 29
ISBN 978-3-515-09329-3
Media type Book - Paperback
Edition number 1.
Copyright year 2009
Publisher Franz Steiner Verlag
Length 288 pages
Illustrations 18 b/w figs., 2 b/w tables, 8 Karten
Size 17.0 x 24.0 cm
Language English