Bankhistorisches Archiv – Beihefte
The supplements to the journal Bankhistorisches Archiv, published by the renowned Institut fuer Bank- und Finanzgeschichte e.V. (IBF), appeared for the first time in 1976. Most of them are proceedings from the institute's interdisciplinary symposia and colloquia. From a current and financial historical perspective, these events address central aspects of the entire range of financial, economic and historical topics: monetary and currency policy, the features and functioning of financial systems, their institutions and instruments, as well as how they develop, and the results of theoretical and empirical studies. The supplements contain the essays and transcripts of the discussions, thus reflecting both the state of research and the respective contemporary viewpoints within the financial sector and among supervisory authorities.
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Edited by
Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte e.V.Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
Hauspostfach 13
60323 Frankfurt am Main
DEUTSCHLAND info@ibf-frankfurt.de
Scientific Advisory Council
Bernd Rudolph, Carsten Burhop, Stephanie Collet, Benedikt Fehr, Boris Gehlen, Peter Gleber, Timothy W. Guinnane, Thomas Hartmann-Wendels, Ulrich Kater, Rainer Klump, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Katja Langenbucher, Stephan Paul, Julian Reischle, Friederike Sattler, Dirk Schiereck, Reinhard H. Schmidt, Joachim Scholtyseck, Moritz Schularick, Günther Schulz, Mark Spoerer, Paul Thomes, Gertrud R. Traud, Thorsten Wehber, Dieter Ziegler
Editorial office
Pauline Lauch
Institut für Bank und Finanzgeschichte e.V.
Eschersheimer Landstr. 121–123
60322 Frankfurt
Bankhistorisches Archiv – Beihefte
General information
ISSN 0944-8845 (print)
ISSN 2699-3325 (online)
Founded: 1965
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Languages: English, German
Publishing information
Please contact the Institut fuer Bank- und Finanzgeschichte e.V., Frankfurt for any information concerning content or publication guidelines.
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