Kate Docking


Kate Docking is a social historian of medicine and gender in twentieth century Europe. She is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Centre for the Study of Health, Ethics, and Society at the University of Hamburg. She is part of the European Research Council project “Taming the European Leviathan: The Legacy of Post-War Medicine and the Common Good”, having previously studied at the University of Kent and the University of Cambridge.

Docking has taught courses on modern Germany and the history of medicine. She has undertaken numerous public engagement projects (Kinder-Uni at the University of Hamburg, Justizgefluester TikTok channel) and worked with different stakeholders (Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste Hamburg, the Wiener Holocaust Library London).

Research focus

  • Mikrogeschichte
  • Geschichte Europas im 20. Jahrhundert 
  • Geschlechtergeschichte
  • Sozial-und Kulturgeschichte des 20 Jahrhunderts 
  • Medizingeschichte 


  • Arts and Humanities Research Council PhD stipend
Kate Docking

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Publikationen von Kate Docking

The Nuremberg Diary and Correspondence
Geschichte und Philosophie der Medizin / History and Philosophy of Medicine, Band 18