Chris Mowat


Chris Mowat is a Student Support Officer and Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of History, University of Sheffield. They completed their PhD in 2018 at Newcastle University, with a thesis that examined the relationship between gender roles and divinatory traditions in the late Roman Republic. They were also part of the “Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive” project at the Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt.

Chris’ research focuses on the relationship between gender and religion in the Roman Republic, as well as broader themes of queerness and identities in the ancient world, and the history of sexuality. They are an editor for the academic blog “NOTCHES – (re)marks on the history of sexuality” and part of the editorial collective of Gender & History journal.

Chris Mowat

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Publikationen von Chris Mowat

Divination and the Construction of Gender in the Late Roman Republic
Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Band 75